
A Very Heavy Agenda Part 3: Maintaining the World Order - Out Now

A Very Heavy Agenda Part 3: Maintaining the World Order from Robert Martin on Vimeo.

[Click 'Watch Now' on the Vimeo embed to view Part 3 VOD]

"one of the most important documentaries in circulation at the moment
with relevance to the extremely dangerous drumbeat and buildup to major war"
- Joanne Leon [] 

Part 3: Maintaining the World Order 3hr 32mins [ Out Now on DVD & VOD ]

"When the Berlin wall fell, our work wasn't finished". -- Victoria Nuland, November 2013

“Fuck the EU” -- Victoria Nuland, February 2014

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts : Washington's Path to War with Russia

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts Interview

Interview published 28 March 2015

MP3 & Link to Show Notes:

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (former US Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy) returns to the programme for an extended interview on the ongoing tensions between Washington and Moscow.

Drawing upon his extensive experience in government, academia and journalism, Dr. Roberts explains how Washington's current hostility towards Russia, with its demonisation of Vladimir Putin, is a bitter fruit of the neoconservative ideology of world hegemony that came to dominate US centres of power from the early 1990s onwards. Assessing the geopolitical landscape with an eye to historical, economic and political realities, Dr. Roberts judges there to be only two hopes for the world to avert nuclear Armageddon: a Europe decisively resistant to Washington diktat, or economic collapse of the US empire itself.

We also discuss the murder of Boris Nemtsov, prospects for Washington-agitated colour revolutions in Central Asia/Caucasus, MH17 and the growth of the police state in the US.

9/11 (And George Bush) For Dummies

Link here--->

Still think Iraq or Saddam Hussain had anything to do with 9/11?

Still think George Bush Jr. is an idiot?

Well the listen as George Bush Jr, Dick Cheney, John Edwards, and Donald Rumsfeld tell you in their own words that Iraq is innocent.

And watch as George W. Bush morphs from a formidable orator and debater, to an Academy Award deserving buffoon in just 4 years time.

Still think Bush is an idiot? Well then my friend, it is you who have been made the fool...

Link here--->

Neocons Heart Obama

Neocons Heart Obama

Kurt Nimmo
November 29, 2008

“I have to admit that I am gobsmacked by these appointments, most of which could just as easily have come from a President McCain,” Boot fawns.

Max Boot loves Obama and his CFR handpicked crew because they will pick up where the neocons and Republicans left off.

Max Boot makes well the argument that there is no difference between McCain and Obama, never mind millions of changelings who believe Obama stands for love, peace, and a new road not traveled by the Bushcons. Some of them actually believe Obama will bring the troops home, the poor deluded souls.

Don't Miss This Music Album Offer!! (Order now and receive a free bottle of fluoride)

Things can get intense with 9/11 Truth. It is nice to have some comic relief on occasion.

Letter of Advice to a Young Warmonger

Another of the PNAC's "best and brightest" has added his voice to the chorus calling for a war of aggression against Iran.

The following letter to Kagan was forwarded from a friend. The linked images are disturbing.

"Dr. Kagan:

As you and your PNAC associates are working so assiduously to trigger a "pre-emptive" attack against Iran (a nation which has neither attacked nor threatened to attack either Israel or the US and is a signatory of the NNPT), and as you evidently take great pride in your "authorship" of the Iraq invasion, occupation and "surge", I am compelled to recommend a few photographs for your consideration. Although there are many thousands like them on the internet, somehow I sense you may not have had the opportunity to view them. As an academic myself, I understand how easily such abstractions as "war", "empire" and "national interest" can obscure the palpable facts of their realization.

Sibel Edmonds - A Snap Shot that Speaks Volumes

Mukraker Report

April 28, 2008 -- Syria, a member of George W. Bush’s “Axis of Evil”, is in the spotlight again as an alleged recipient of nuclear technology from North Korea and a potential producer of nuclear weapons.

We have heard it all before but even if it is true, and let us assume it is true, there is more to this accusation than what meets the eye. We need to revisit what the courageous whistleblower, Sibel Edmonds, testified to behind closed doors in the Senate.

Sibel Edmonds’ tenure as a translator for the FBI lasted only six months, but, because of the backlog of the material that needed translation, her effective tenure was about 3 years. The material spanned two very different administrations, that of Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.

Week of Truth ~ flyer ~ April 16-22nd Campaign

Flyby News Alert -
March 10, 2008
Week of Truth ~ flyer ~ April 16-22nd Campaign Update

You can now download The Shell Game flyer, originally posted at
You can also download from

and at the official web site for Week of Truth -

From the you can also download banners, and watch
video, audio, and flyers; and when you purchase (April 16-22nd) copies
of The Shell Game from this site, Steve Alten's sale commissions will be
donated to the Feal Good Foundation.

Visit and pass the word on this once in a lifetime opportunity that will expose
mainstream awareness to a grand deception, and a cautionary tale to avoid
an invasion on Iran, while exposing the depths of energy-government corruption.

In the next two weeks, besides email, call people to share news on this Week of
Truth grassroots campaign that could get 9/11 out into the mainstream public, and
help stop its unholy wars. Please make a commitment to buy two books that will be

Japanese Senator for 9/11 Truth Calls for Movement to Step Beyond Internet – Steve Alten Answers the Call

PLEASE, go to OpEdNews, and "diggit" "readit" this OpEd to get more eyes on it in the mainstream. You can do so at the below link:

March 20, 2008 at 10:52:14

Japanese Senator for 9/11 Truth Calls for Movement to Step Beyond Internet – Steve Alten Answers the Call

by Bill Douglas Page 1 of 2 page(s)

Japanese Senator, Yukihisa Fujita, a member of the main opposition party in Japan, gained world renown through non-US media and in the US via youtube, for his assertion on national Japanese television that 9/11 was an inside job. He recently spoke several times about the importance of in waking him up to the lies of 9/11. He stated that the architects, engineers and physicists like Professor Jones have made the case of controlled demolition well, and now it is time for politicians to be organized, and connect internationally and make joint petitions to the US Government or Congress, and to request the United Nations have independent investigations of 9/11.

Cages of Conquest: Part Two of Crusade of Surge and Siege

Read Part One:

Hear No Evil, See No Evil

Americans’ ever-enduring, catatonic sleepwalk through the Empire’s vast array of bread and circus, as always produced by the Ministry of Truth and the Department of Propaganda, better known as the corporatist media, has succeeded in the creation of an ignorant, incurious and dumbed down populace completely bereft of knowledge of what is done in its name. With no concern for or understanding of geography, cultures, history, alien societies, the outside world and of the imperial aspirations of the Empire, Americans have proved easy targets to the manipulations and deceptions of the corporatist world. Seemingly unwilling to gain knowledge of anything outside American Idol or the weekly NASCAR rat race, the soldier ants and worker bees of the Empire are content to circumvent the horrors of war and the myriad crimes against humanity committed in their name in order to maintain their beautiful minds at peace.

Indeed, the corporatist media has triumphed in completely erasing America’s two disastrous occupations of Muslim lands from the peoples’ conscious and concern, in effect shifting the ongoing debacles away from the daily reality of Americans and towards the abyss of a most cavernous memory hole. Methodically and systematically, the quagmires of Iraq and Afghanistan, with all their inconvenient truths, with all their disturbing realities, with all their corresponding death, suffering and destruction, have virtually vanished into a vacuum of nothingness, transported by the corporatist state into a clandestine and secretive reality, making of these disasters non-existent nightmares that vanish upon the waking of a new day.

Senate and Neocons Agree to Carve Up Bill of Rights

From the site Another day in the empire.

15th of February '08

It’s now official, the entire Senate is criminally complicit in undermining the Fourth Amendment.

“Senate Democrats and Republicans reached agreement with the Bush administration yesterday on the terms of new legislation to control the federal government’s domestic surveillance program, which includes a highly controversial grant of legal immunity to telecommunications companies that have assisted the program, according to congressional sources,” reports the CIA’s favorite newspaper, the Washington Post.

The Year of Living Dangerously: Part One of Two

Manifestations of Intent

Can you smell the smoked fumes of a discombobulated economic engine that has ceased to function, its synergy spitting and sputtering, its many parts thrashed by the claws, and vices, of neoliberal capitalism? Can you feel the dismantling of the economic spark plug, the American consumer, as our livelihoods are sacrificed to the greed, and incompetence, of the establishment and as the value of our lives is further enslaved to the Almighty Dollar and its puppet masters?

Can you hear the roar of authoritarian Machiavelli-types, of which many exist, cheering as the Constitution is discarded like yesterday’s trash, its principles and foundations burned inside the incinerator of fascism? Can you hear the searing of one of the greatest documents of governance ever created by man as it goes up in flames thanks to the kerosene thrown at it by American corporatists in power, its ashes slowly scattering into the realm of nothingness?

Scott Horton Interviews Philip Giraldi Regarding Sibel Edmonds Claim Of Unique NeoCon Retirement Program

Sunday January 27, 2008
Scott Horton Interviews Former CIA Operative Philip Giraldi Regarding His Recent Article In American Conservative Magazine About FBI Whistle Blower Sibel Edmonds Claims That High Level State Department Officials Are Selling Nuclear Weapons Secrets To Foreign Governments

* source =

More MP3 Audio Clips >

The Zealots of Dominance: The Neo-Con Factor in 9/11, By Paul Rea PH.D.

Long a professor of humanities and teacher of writing, Dr. Paul W. Rea is now a full-time 9/11 researcher and writer. A member of Northern Califorinia 911Truth, Paul has participated in events such as Lifting the Fog Conference held in Berkeley. His first short book, Still Seeking the Truth about 9/11, became a well-received textbook and effective fund raiser for the movement. His next book, Back Story, will provide a comprehensive overview of current research on 9/11. Another readable popularization, this new book will appear in spring of 2008.